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Harness intelligent digital intelligent manufacturing capability

Author:SHUNGAL Click: Time:2021-07-14 08:25:03

Made in China 2025 clearly puts forward that "promoting intelligent manufacturing is the main direction" to promote the transformation of manufacturing industry and realize the transformation of China's manufacturing industry from large to strong. Automation is the basis and premise of digitization and intelligence.

Although some benchmark enterprises of wire harness have made great progress in intelligence and automation in recent years, the local intelligence and automation level of most wire harness factories is still very low, many are manual labor, and the processing of wire harness is still a labor-intensive industry.

In 2013, the German government put forward the "industry 4.0" strategy, which is an era of using information technology to promote industrial change, that is, an era of intelligence. Its essence is to transform from economies of scale to economies of scope through data flow automation technology, and build heterogeneous and customized industries at the cost of homogenization and scale.

In order to take the express train of "industry 4.0" and made in China 2025 plan, harness processing equipment enterprises must also make full use of the broader profit space provided by intelligence for harness enterprises, realize the re integration and innovation of resources, and respond to the market demand for "intelligence" and "informatization". Among them, the integration of machine vision, image perception and acquisition, industrial sensors and industrial Internet of things is the most effective way to realize the automation of harness detection equipment, which can help the intelligent, information-based and unmanned upgrading of factories and realize the industrial 4.0 in the sense of.

The key to realizing "intelligence" and "informatization" is the application of harness software and production equipment.

1、 Harness processing software

The level of Chinese Internet enterprises has been at the forefront of the world. As for industrial software, China is basically a piece of white paper. This piece is basically owned by foreigners. I must point out that this is a big pain point for people. However, harness enterprises, regardless of size, will use some development tools more or less.

Harness software can be divided into two types: design software and manufacturing software. Design software mainly refers to harness principle, 3D design, 3D to 2D and simulation software. Commonly used software includes zuken, caresoft, CHS, EB cable, VESYS, etc. Manufacturing software mainly refers to converting 2D drawings into process documents, BOMs, man hours, etc. The commonly used software includes Zetai, midline CAD, cap-h, etc.

2、 Pain points of harness software

2.1 design software:

The most commonly used harness design software in the harness industry is CHS. Let's take CHS as an example.

Many related enterprises use community health services. We all know that CHS is expensive and not necessarily easy to use. Many functions are not used. Many enterprises use CHS for a long time, and drawings and documents have been completed. At this time, there is a cheap and good software. They are too lazy to change it. In short, harness enterprises are not satisfied, but they want to use it, but they are lazy to change it. As far as localization is concerned, as far as original equipment manufacturers and harness enterprises are concerned, harness software should provide the implementation ability of solutions that meet the immediate needs of enterprises. If you don't think from the customer's point of view or customize according to the customer's requirements, Zui will eventually fall into CAD because you deceive the customer with your own size.

Let's talk about CHS. In terms of product solutions, some functions of ksk and simulation are unique, but the whole process solutions from topology design to schematic design, harness design to harness processing technology manufacturing and verification need to be continuously improved.

China is acclimatized, with high occupancy rate and low utilization rate. I think this is the current situation of harness design software. I hope to have a harness design software suitable for our localization.

2.2 harness manufacturing software

Many enterprises report that their software often makes mistakes and still rely on manual inspection, such as branch, block, block, etc. All these are calculated and checked manually. It depends on people. There are always mistakes. Once they make a mistake, they all have to start over.

2.2.1 it is difficult to convert customer drawings into internal drawings

The transformation from customer drawings to internal drawings has to be said to be the pain point of each harness factory. The harness factory needs to manually establish the database and man hours... But the conversion from customer drawings to internal drawings can be completed with one key without other cumbersome work. This avoids manual inspection and saves time and effort without making mistakes. Now we can't even think about it, but Bian Xiao believes that the future can be realized.

2.2.2 automatically generate supply chain / cost list, demand analysis, bill of materials, overseas demand list, product suggestion list, design review plan, design review list, outstanding issues list, design review project combination table, etc

Many factories have found that I have completed the drawing conversion in the factory and implemented a lot of software in the conversion process from 2D to typesetting. However, after the software is completed, merging means that the harness engineer will stop. Instead, this is just the beginning. The harness engineer needs to prepare SC / cc list, DEMEA, BOM, overseas list, CPR list, design review list, open question list, design review PPT, etc. God, when does it end?

The manufacturing software of the harness is designed to automatically generate lists, such as supply chain / cost control list file, bill of materials, overseas data list, process suggestion list, design review list, pending problem list, design review project portfolio, etc. Didn't you save a lot of things? It's amazing to think about it.

2.2.3 database part matching inspection:

This function is the Bibei function of common harness design software on the market, but the database is often insufficient, or the database information is not updated in time or wrong. This needs careful maintenance. We hesitate to do things by hand. If we have a unified and complete database, we don't need to maintain it manually. How many things did you save?

2.2.4 correctness of harness processing drawing layout:

We can check our processing drawings according to the customer's drawings. However, there is nothing on the customer's drawings. How to view the redundant materials or branches on the processed drawings. As far as I know, there is no software with this self-test function. The harness software shall be able to check the correctness of the layout drawing drawn by the line beam Engineer at one time, and automatically screen out those useless and redundant elements that are obviously irrelevant to the design intent.

Unrelated elements:

(1) No unconnected empty harness;

(2) The part is not on the bale. There are free materials, such as clips, grommets, etc. We often see some software with free information, which is difficult to identify manually. In this way, the new material will be added to the BOM, resulting in EC material.

(3) The number of harnesses connected by the connector shall not exceed one.

2.2.5 electrical circuit: correctness

The software can check and ensure the correctness of the circuit input / imported by the line beam engineer, and automatically screen out those useless and redundant elements obviously irrelevant to the design intent, errors inconsistent with the database, inherent missing elements of the harness, etc.

(1) There is no unconnected circuit that must be connected to a specific fixed connector hole,

(2) No two or more circuits are connected to the same hole at the same time.

(3) Two color detection of the loop of the same connector. Connectors below 6 holes are not allowed to have duplicate colors.

(4) There are no holes connected to the circuit in the database.

III. harness processing equipment

Harness processing equipment is divided into front and rear branches. The front track mainly includes terminal crimping machine, wire stripping machine, ultrasonic welding machine, etc. Then it mainly includes tooling board, electric inspection table, positioning fixture, existing inspection table, etc.

Wire harness processing is very mature, and foreign wire harness processing equipment is relatively advanced. On the one hand, it is due to the early start of the automotive industry in its region, and almost all equipment manufacturers have accumulated corresponding strong application technologies over the years. In addition, the polishing of the long-term market is the driving force for them to continue to invest in R & D and maintain leading technology. On the other hand, the brand image and quality image established by imported equipment manufacturers and foreign-funded and joint venture wire harness factories on the basis of previous cooperation, especially the recognition of high technology, make imported equipment occupy a large share in the Chinese market, such as komes of kumais, schlunig of Europe, Xinming of Japan, shenmawa of Japan, Jim of Jiamu, etc. However, in recent years, Domestic wire harness processing equipment has developed rapidly, such as shungal Shunjia brand wire harness intelligent manufacturer, etc. Also paying close attention. As for the rear harness processing equipment, at present, the rear harness processing equipment has been very mature, but an intelligent LCD electronic assembly board has appeared in the market in recent years.

This intelligent LCD electronic assembly board subverts many people's cognition of tooling board, because many people still stay on the traditional tooling board.

The electronic assembly board replaces the traditional tooling board with high-definition electronic display screen, which can flexibly switch the assembly drawing. Combined with the digital intelligent factory management system, there is no need to print drawings and permanently and safely save historical data. Employees are easy to watch and operate, which greatly improves the speed of new product R & D and helps enterprises realize the mode of unlimited production capacity. It has to be said that this is a great progress in harness processing.

4、 Software and equipment integration

Imagine here: if you combine the harness design software, harness processing software, front-end equipment for harness processing, intelligent LCD electronic assembly board, etc. The whole process from principle to 3D, from 3D drawing to customer 2D drawing, from customer 2D drawing to processing 2D drawing, from processing 2D drawing to tooling information to SC / cc list, DEMEA and other one-time generation is a great feat. How much labor cost is saved, and the processing efficiency and quality are steadily improved.

Harness intelligent digital intelligent manufacturing capability
Although some benchmark enterprises of wire harness have made great progress in intelligence and automation in recent years, the processing of wire harness is still a labor-intensive industry.
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